Our Services



"The object of the osteopath is to find health.... anyone can find disease" ~A.T. Still (Founder of Osteopathy)

Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy where the focus is restoring and enhancing movement: movement of joints, fluids, breath, energy, and emotions. The belief is that when there is a restriction or obstruction of any one of these components, there is an affect on the function of structures eventually resulting in problems with function leading to pain, illness, or disease.

The work of the osteopathic manual practitioner is to find the obstructions, remove it, and let the inherent ability of the body to heal itself do its job. Osteopathic treatments involve very soft, gentle, and safe manual techniques to help your body to heal itself. Treatment is focused on the care of the entire person, rather then just looking at a diseased body system.


The aim of physiotherapy is to help with healing damage, provide relief from pain and injury. Physiotherapy helps with healing damage, reduce stiffness and pain, and enhance and restore function of multiple body systems.  Physiotherapy treatment involves using a broad range of physical and physiological therapeutic interventions and aids.  Physiotherapists then work closely with clients to improve their quality of life by

  • promoting mobility and physical activity
  • promoting overall health and wellness
  • preventing disease, injury, and disability
  • manage acute and chronic conditions
  • improve and maintain optimal functional independence
  • rehabilitate using therapeutic exercise programs
  • education and providing support


Movement Rehabilitation

Many conditions and injuries, such as in low back pain, may recur many times. Research has shown that once there is an injury, there is an increased likelihood of another injury. This is often due to poor movement patterns, weakness, or decreased flexibility. Exercise therapy, or active movement rehabilitation is essential in preventing recurrence or prevention of further injuries.

At Thrive Therapeutics, our Movement Rehabilitation program combines functional physiotherapy with effective pilates exercises. The program uses traditional pilates equipment to work on improving posture, movement patterns, strength, and flexibility. This approach helps you develop awareness which is vital in healing and prevention.


Functional Pilates

This program is designed for those who have completed physiotherapy and/or osteopathy or is looking for a program to enhance their current treatment with other health professionals. These classes are designed as semi-private or 4-person classes; so the classes are still small and can focus on individual needs of the clients. The classes will continue to concentrate on improvement movement patterns, flexibility, and strength, and may also prepare clients to return to their sports or more advanced functional activities.

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