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October 28, 2023Muscle Stiffness or Muscle Tension, What’s the Difference?


Muscle Stiffness or Muscle Tension, What’s the Difference?


We’ve all had that feeling…. Getting out of bed and feeling like we are over 100 years old. Or sitting at your computer for a long time and feeling like the Tin…

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September 25, 2023Osteopathy in Barrie

What is Osteopathy?


After an osteopathic treatment, patients often ask us to explain to them exactly what it is because they have a hard time explaining it to people.


Traditional osteopathy is a form of healthcare that…

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September 25, 2023Pain? Stress? Check Your Breathing!

Before Doing Anything Else

When you walk into my office, you will see the sign on the wall…. BREATH.  

At least once a day, I hear a…

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July 2, 2020Could Exercising Be Hurting You?

In osteopathy, a main principle we subscribe to is that the body is completely inter-connected.  When someone has a symptom, be it pain or an illness, it is not enough to just treat those symptoms. We look at the…

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March 13, 2020Are you a Pelvic Thruster?

Are you a Pelvic Thruster? It may be causing your low back pain and causing decreased bone density!

Are you suffering from foot pain? Knee pain? Low bone density in the hip? Pelvic floor disorder? Sacroiliac Joint pain?

These are the…

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August 27, 2019GLUTEUS MEDIUS SERIES (Active Video Tutorial)


Do you have chronically tight hip flexors or IT Band? (The IT band is a multipurpose tendon that runs down the length of the outer thigh, from the top of the pelvis to the…

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June 14, 20195 Simple Ways to Deal with Stress and Inflammation Using the Power of the Vagus Nerve

Is it weird to have a favourite nerve? I have to admit, I am a total anatomy and physiology geek. I love simplifying how something works in the body and then trying to elicit it.

Have you ever wondered why…

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May 6, 2019Physiotherapy? Osteopathy? Athletic Therapy? What’s best for YOU?

A very common question we are asked at the clinic is what IS the difference between the 3 types of therapies we offer here. It is a little bit tricky to answer, that’s for sure. The three modalities definitely…

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April 25, 2019What’s Pain Got To Do with It? And what can YOU do?

I must admit, I am still amazed and love it when a patient pronounces they are pain free at the end of a treatment session. And I must admit, I still enjoy hearing them call it “magic” or “voodoo”….

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April 7, 2019Welcoming An Athletic Therapist …. Jamilie!

We are so excited to welcome Jamilie Brochu to the Thrive Therapeutics team!

Jamilie completed a Bachelor of Science with Honours, in Exercise Science with a specialization in Athletic Therapy. She attended Concordia University, in Montreal. Jamilie is also bilingual,…

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