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August 27, 2019
GLUTEUS MEDIUS SERIES (Active Video Tutorial)
DO YOU HAVE LOW BACK PAIN? Do you have chronically tight hip flexors or IT Band? (The IT band is a multipurpose tendon that runs down
June 14, 2019
5 Simple Ways to Deal with Stress and Inflammation Using the Power of the Vagus Nerve
Is it weird to have a favourite nerve? I have to admit, I am a total anatomy and physiology geek. I love simplifying how something works
May 6, 2019
Physiotherapy? Osteopathy? Athletic Therapy? What’s best for YOU?
A very common question we are asked at the clinic is what IS the difference between the 3 types of therapies we offer here. It is
March 28, 2019
Are you working the right muscles to help with low back pain?
When you think core muscles, what do you think? When I ask patients how they work on their core at the gym, the typical answers are
March 20, 2019
Learn Neutral Spine to Protect Your Low Back
In our movement rehabilitation programs and our classes, we emphasize the importance of maintaining neutral spine. But what does that mean? A healthy spine has natural
February 28, 2019
5 Ways Diaphragmatic Breathing Helps with Pain
We can live almost a month without food. We can live a couple of days with water. But how long can you live without breathing? Not
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