October 28, 2023

Muscle Stiffness or Muscle Tension, What’s the Difference?

September 25, 2023

Osteopathy in Barrie

What is Osteopathy?   After an osteopathic treatment, patients often ask us to explain to them exactly what it is because they have a hard time […]
September 25, 2023

Pain? Stress? Check Your Breathing!

Before Doing Anything Else When you walk into my office, you will see the sign on the wall…. BREATH.   At least once a day, I hear […]
July 2, 2020

Could Exercising Be Hurting You?

In osteopathy, a main principle we subscribe to is that the body is completely inter-connected.  When someone has a symptom, be it pain or an illness, […]
March 13, 2020

Are you a Pelvic Thruster?

Are you a Pelvic Thruster? It may be causing your low back pain and causing decreased bone density! Are you suffering from foot pain? Knee pain? […]
February 10, 2020


One of the best gifts you could ever give your children or yourself is the gift of self-defense. I’ve been teaching traditional martial arts for more […]
October 31, 2019

BACK CARE SERIES With Anna ~ Thursdays @ 8:00am

BACK CARE SERIES Thursdays @ 8am Good posture means a neutral spine. Working towards a neutral spine means training your body to stand, walk, sit and […]
October 31, 2019

LEARN PILATES With Michelle ~ Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

LEARN PILATES Wednesdays @ 7:15pm Have you heard all about Pilates, but have yet to give it a shot? If so, this series is for you! […]
October 31, 2019

PILATES WITH PROPS with Michelle ~ Tuesdays @ 6:00pm

PILATES WITH PROPS Tuesdays at 5:30pm Join Michelle for an incredible series of Pilates using a variety of props to challenge your muscles and mind.
Book Now!